Editing Skills Tune-Up

What are you learning to help you proofread and edit effectively? What editing tips can you give your readers? As you apply what you are learning, what results are you seeing in your writing?


  1. Kaitlin Salinas says:

    Dear Class,
    I have learned a great amount of information regarding editing skills. First of all, I have learned to always read over what I have written. It can be very easy to make mistakes when you are typing or even writing. Here are some tips to think about when reading over a paper or article.
    Your punctuation should be over looked while revising a paper. Look for comma errors, those tend to be my most popular mistakes. When editing remember to look at the content and structure of your paragraph. Does each paragraph have a clear topic sentence? Do all of your paragraphs stick to one main idea? Be sure to be clear and concise throughout your paper. It is also important to think about the style of your paper and be sure you had the same style throughout your paper. Style and be the tone, or the tense of your paper. Was your paper persuasive, informative, formal, or informal? Chose one style and stick with it throughout your paper. Be sure to keep the same tense throughout the paper as well, whether your chose past or present, or even future. Editing can be fun, it is a way to practice your tools, while perfecting a paper!

  2. Crystal Rosario says:

    Hello Class,
    One great things that I have learned in this class is written on the front of our Writers Handbook, “compose fearlessly and edit ruthlessly.” This is something that I have put into practice and it truly helps with the flow of writing. It’s easy to stop with every error, or rewrite sentences to make it better, but doing this stops the flow of writing. I used to stop all the time when writing and be totally lost after I fixed the error. It’s important to save the editing until after you’ve written everything you’ve wanted to say first. Hopes this is something that can help more readers and writers as it has helped me.

    Best regards,

  3. Oluwatoyin Ayangade says:

    Hi Class.
    Prior to this class, writing was not something I was interested in. I never cared to develop my skills and pay attention to the rules that govern business writing. I am delighted that my dislike for writing has been changed into a like. I am really thankful for the exposure I have received through this class and the help of my Professor. She is bringing the best out of me and I am still in the learning process.

  4. Ellison Cullen says:

    Hello Classmates,
    Before taking this class, my writing and editing skills were not the best at all. This class has taught me a great deal of information that makes me more excited and confident to write. A major topic that I have learned, it is not just about length, but getting to the main point. The person you are writing to probably has a busy life just like you; they do not have time to be reading long messages. To help make sure they read what you want them to, keep messages short and to the point.
    The tip that I would give any reader is an obvious one, but I feel is really important. It is to always proofread and edit your papers. Editing and proofreading your paper helps it in many different ways. When starting to write a paper, write everything you can and want to. Then go back through the paper and make all the corrections that are needed. This is a really important tip to remember.
    The quality of my writing has greatly increased from where I started. When I remember to use what I learned, I see the results of better written papers in the assignments from this class and others. Not only is my writing improving, so is my confidence in what I am writing. Next month I have to take the CASA (the SAT for education majors), everything I have learned in this class, I will definitely apply to the writing part of that test.
    Have a great day.
    Ellison Cullen

  5. Brionna Carpeter says:

    Hello Class,
    I am learning to be more cautious when writing. The Writer’s Handbook has been a big help when it’s time to proofread and edit. I can refer to it for just about every question I may have. I am a busy person and sometimes going to the writing lab just isn’t possible. When I read this book I feel as if Ms. Young is standing right there helping me. It’s clear and concise which makes it easy to understand. The number one editing tip I can give readers is refer to the book from the beginning to the end you won’t regret it My writing skills have improved tremendously The number one improvement I see is formation. Before this course I struggled with the correct formation.
    Best regards,

  6. Marnetta Green says:

    Hello Class,
    I have absorbed extensive amounts of information concerning editing skills, during this semester . For instance, I have learned to ignore my grammatical errors when I am in the process of brain storming and creative thinking. Allowing my thoughts to flow freely without constant interruptions of correcting grammatical errors. However, I am yet a work in progress. Writing has not been one of my strengths in my academia life. Nonetheless, with the help of Professor Young and her writing tools I believe in time writing may become one of my greatest strength.
    Kind regards,

  7. Nakira Hollis says:

    Hi Class,
    One of the most valuable things I have learned in this class is where to place my commas and semicolons and when they are appropriate to use. Before this class I was definitely confused and unsure about using the semicolon. Another thing that I learned is how important it is to look over your work and edit. When I write I just try to get all the information on the paper so that I won’t lose my train of thought or how I want to say something. By editing I realized how many mistakes can be made in the process of writing. As I started editing I would read some sentences and say to myself “that sentence is confusing” or “that sentence is funky”. Editing also helps me with avoiding choppy sentences or paragraphs. I think many of the things that I have learned in this class will help me with my career indeavors so I am grateful for this class.

    • Nakira Hollis says:

      Hi again class,
      I forgot my closing and I remembered it as soon as I hit the send button. Here it is:

      All the best,
      Nakira Hollis

  8. Martin Wilson says:

    Hello everyone,
    I have improved on so many levels in regards to editing. For instance, now I let my thoughts flow when writing. I don’t stop to make corrections until the end of the process. This allows my thought process to continue without interruptions. I never thought that I would be so interested in writing. There are so many things you can and can not do when writing. Thinking about it to much intensifies your inhibitions. Learning the process stage by stage removes those inhibitions and replaces them with confidence. You have to do the work and you will improve your writing skills. It’s definitely working for me.

    Have a great day,

  9. Nicole Hamill says:

    Hi class,
    This semester we have learned a lot of information. One valuable thing I learned is about commas. I knew about them before, but to see many examples and to use them more frequently now hows helped me tremendously. Before taking W231 I was dreading taking an English class this semester because English is not my favorite subject. At this point in the semester I am happy to say that I took it online. It was an adjustment but I have learned a lot.
    Have a great week,
    Nicole Hamill

  10. Carli Amodeo says:

    Hello Class,
    Throughout this class I have learned so much about writing in business format and how to properly edit my work. One of the major tips I have learned is to ALWAYS edit your work. I never enjoyed re-reading and editing my papers because I was so ready to be done with the assignment; in other words, I was lazy when it came to editing. Making a habit of always editing and checking my work has helped my grades and writing skills overall. Learning to cut out slang from my writing has also been a process this semester. I tend to write the way I speak which usually leads to unprofessional letters and papers. Learning ways to keep my writing professional has helped me in all of my classes and I’m sure will continue to help me throughout my future career!
    Carli Amodeo

  11. Tasha Charles says:

    Hi Class,
    I am learning to be more cautious with my writing. During this semester I have come to terms with my punctuation can stand for a lot of improving. I have learned if I do I rough draft first, then proofread my writing I find obvious mistakes. Most mistakes I find are punctuation, spelling and grammar. I have learned that writing skills also includes formatting. Before this class I really didn’t think much about formatting. Learning business formatting I realized I was lacking a lot in my writing. Yes I can put words together, but if my paper doesn’t fit the business format then they will never make it to reading my words. I have learned that formatting plays a big part in the decision as to if you letter will even be reviewed. Even though I have not mastered formatting yet, I find it to be a very important tool in business writing.

    All the best,


  12. Jacquelyn Guillermo says:

    Hi class,

    I have learned to use so many useful tools because of this class. Proof reading and editing have never been a strong skill for me. I have learned that you need to take the time to proof read your work before submitting the final copy. It is so easy to turn in an assignment once you have finished it, but it really pays off to re-read it and go over it a few times. A few editing tips I can give are to eliminate redundant phrases and limit your words. Less is more in writing and it is important to keep the attention of your reader. Another editing tip is to look for punctuation errors. I still have a little bit of trouble with commas but with practice they will get better. As I apply what I am learning in this class my writing is becoming more clear and less wordy. I have noticed I am more concious of repeating myself and making sure that my message is clear to my reader.

    All the best,


  13. Bradley Bayliff says:

    Dear classmates,
    Editing and proofreading in general have never been a huge success for me. I struggled with knowing what words or phrases to cut or leave out. This class has shown me a new way of thinking when it comes to proofreading and editing my work. I have learned to read over anything that I have written. Having another individual read my writing can increase the amount of mistake I can catch. I have really learned that before editing, just getting everything out onto paper will greatly enhance my writing. Editing is easier if all my thoughts are on the paper at one time. I can then cut and shape my writing to be exactly what I want it to be. I find myself being more at ease with editing my writing since I started this class. Editing enable me to condense my words to be the exact message I want. I love that editing will clean up the empty information that I tend to insert into my writing. Some tips that really worked for me were simply not being afraid to edit the words on the paper. I used to be worried about not including some things I had written, that it was effecting my overall message. Editing my work has improved my writing. Editing makes it more cohesive and concise. I have noticed that my writing seems to come easier with this class. Having learned about editing these past weeks, I feel that I can sit down and write a paper with the editing brain in tune. I feel that knowing more about editing and proofreading has enabled me to write in a clearer way. I find myself not having to edit as much as I did before. I also find myself editing each sentence as I go instead of writing the whole paper before I edit. Proofreading has also enabled me to clean up my papers and give my writing a professional look. Editing and proofreading have enabled me to enjoy writing papers. I no longer dread the long paper, because I now know how to write effectively using editing and proofreading.

  14. Andrea Harris says:

    From this class, I am learning that there is a completely different element to professional writing: one that I did not foresee when beginning this course. Because of this, editing involves identifying those elements of my writing that are too academic. I would have never believed that one could possibly write too academically; however, this actualization is the foundation of my editing and proofreading processes. I also have to be mindful of outdated language. We reviewed it in this course and I tend to keep a list present while writing. I find the only way to prevent myself from using these old terms is to be made fully aware of these terms/phrases. For those having very specific issues with writing, I would recommend keeping a list of those elements that pertain to problem areas. Said another way, if one has an issue with using transitional words, keeping a list of these words handy while writing can actually help you adopt and become more comfortable with using these words. Evaluating my progress after going through these class sessions has shown me that I can improve my writing skills. I look forward to going through the remainder of this course.
    Best wishes,

  15. Amanda Ziller says:

    Hi Class,
    This is my first professional writing class and I’m glad I took it. Before this class, writing was something I couldn’t get interested in. I didn’t know what the rules were and how to edit correctly. Therefor, I wouldn’t get the best grades on my papers. This class has taught me valuable lessons. The one I most valued was learning about office communications. This was a great thing to learn about because it gives great advice about how to be successful in your work environment. It tells you how to say things properly and to keep in mind that you are representing you and your company before you send your emails. In this chapter it was also helpful learning about how to write memos, fax, business letters, and how to leave voicemails. This will definitely help me in the future!
    Amanda ZIller

  16. Jacquelyn Davalos says:

    Dear Class,
    So far this semester I have learned very valuable information. At the beginning, I struggled with commas, apostrophes, and sentence structure. Throughout the assignments and forums I learned the differences between formal and informal, indirect and direct, and active voice versus passive voice. The more I read and practice the material, the easier I applied it to real life scenarios. Being able to edit someone’s paper and pinpoint their mistakes without difficulty makes this class worthwhile. Writing will never go away and that is why I would like to take what I learn in this course and use it in the future. Coming from a bilingual family makes it a lot harder to adapt and learn the English language, but the more I practice the easier it comes to me. The more I read books, I realize that not even author’s are perfect in editing! That is why I have come to the conclusion that practice makes better, not perfect.

  17. Hello everyone,

    Proper formatting and content is more important in the tech era than it has ever been before, and with a major lift from Professor Young’s textbooks many of us are learning, or have learned to properly format, edit, and write better. Comparatively to editing ruthlessly, I have learned to viciously attack the page with words. Learning how to manipulate the page to your words by using direct, indirect, passive, and active lessons has taught me to stay positive in light of making decisions most people would rather not make. In a more broad perspective, the class has taught me to isolate the situation (topic) and control the flow of conversation (content).


  18. Kristina Vujanic says:

    Hello Everyone,

    This semester, I have learned how to improve my writing in several ways. Prior to this class, I had thought that writing was all about using fancy words and a great deal of words. Now I know that writing is better when it is to the point. Now when I write, I use words that are simple and easy to understand. One concept that I had always had a problem with was writing numbers. I was confused as to when to write out the number in words and when to use symbols. Now I know that I use symbols when the number has a value less then ten. We would then write numbers in words when their value is greater than ten and when they are at the beginning of a sentence. This class has taught me a great deal about how to write effectively. Learning about making my writing to the point and using less confusing words has really helped me.

    All the best,

  19. Morgan Hancock says:

    Hello friends:
    In editing, one of the things I have learned to do would be have correct white spacing around the outside of your letter. It should look like a picture frame around your message. It lets the reader write down notes if necessary, and it gives breathing room to your paper. Another thing I learned would be to watch your sentence length. If a sentence reaches 25 words or more, it is easy for the reader to forget the beginning of the sentence. Therefore, to make things easier to comprehend, you don’t need long sentences to make yourself seem smart. Which brings me to my last piece of advise: Do not use big words that most people would not understand. Unless you are writing a dictionary or you know for sure that the readers will understand you, it is better to not use big words. The point of writing is to communicate. It would be hard to communicate with someone when they cannot understand the words that you are using.

  20. Bianca Stewart says:

    Hello Class,
    What I learned from this class so far is that, there’s a lot to writing. Every little period, comma, etc can enhance your writing when all along I thought it really didn’t matter. I really was never the writing type of person; honestly I am still not, but I do look at writing in a different way.
    I like the different assignment that we’re assigned every week. It gives me a chance to be creative and learn from my peers.

    All the best,

  21. Elizabeth Ryan says:

    Hi class,
    I have learned to become a good writer there are many different steps to writing to learn and use effectively. Proofreading and editing is important when you are writing. Revising a paper will decrease punctuation and word error. When I tend to write I focus more on the context of my paper and forget about cleaning it up and making it enjoyable to read for my audience. This class has taught me a lot of things when preparing myself to write various documents.I have said in the beginning and continue to say this class helps to improve my daily communication and my future communication.

    Best Regards,

    Elizabeth Ryan

  22. Ashley Bryant says:

    Hi Class,
    I have learned a lot about editing skills. From all the comma rules to all of the semicolon rules. I have a problem with semicolons. I feel that a comma would do just fine instead. But I’m learning when and when not to use them. The most important thing I learned is that less is more. I tend to be way too wordy or put big words. But simplicity is key. Another thing to remember when writing is to keep everything in the same tense. Otherwise it’ll sound weird. When editing your paper it’s good to read over it a couple of times and then have someone else read through it. They could catch something that you didn’t!
    Best of Luck,
    Ashley Bryant

  23. Hi Class,

    My biggest writing challenge is wordiness. This semester, I have been focusing on writing in a more concise manner. When I edit my writing assignments, I first look at my word choice and phrasing to determine if I am using several words where just one would suffice. By simplifying the language I use, I am able to communicate my message more clearly. Additionally, I check to ensure that I am using the active voice in the majority of my writing, since the passive voice overcomplicates the sentence and obstructs meaning. Simplifying my language and editing for the active voice has greatly improved my ability to effectively communicate through writing.

    All the best,

  24. Lauren Igartua says:

    Hello everyone,
    One of my biggest points to help proofread your writing is to read it out loud. To me, everything sounds different when read out loud instead of in your head. Also another tip is to slowly read what you have written. If you read your writing too fast you might skip over some errors. I have been learning a lot from my English class. Writing in different styles and tones is my favorite because it gives a different mood to your writing. I want my writing to be different and stand out. I apply all of this to my writing and it is actually improving. I am more informative, but not boring my readers. My readers also give me feedback which helps me even more. Every bit of information is useful to me and I just hope to get better.
    Take care,
    Lauren Igartua

  25. Bianca Stewart says:

    Hello Everyone,

    Well this semester I’ve learned a variety of things that I didn’t know about writing. I learned how to properly format memos and business letters; which before this class I struggled with. I also learned how to better my resume, which I thought was very significant seeing how I will be looking for a career job soon after college.

    Punctuation was another essential part of the semester, that worked on countless times. My favorite topic was learning about the diferent types of communications. Also like learning from the different types of letters that were assigned each week; it gave me a chance to express my creativity and work on my formatting skills.

    I never thought that writing could be as serious as it really is with all the formating and punctuation rules. I now see why writing over the years was so difficult for me.

    All the best,


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